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Transporting Human Remains from the United States to Haiti
General Requirements and Procedure


To transport human remains from the United States to Haiti, the individual must have a death certificate issued by a Haitian consul. To obtain a death certificate, please visit the Embassy of Haiti with the proper documentation.

You will need to provide the following information:

  1. A burial permit
  2. One certified copy of death certificate
  3. Photo copy of funeral home registration from the Department of Health and copy of embalmer’s license
  4. Photo copy of complete funeral bill
  5. Letter of non-contagious disease from County Health Office, signed, notarized and authenticated
  6. Letter of embalming on funeral home letterhead, signed notarized and authenticated.
  7. Passport of deceased (the passport need not be current for the decedent to be transported)
  8. Sealer casket
  9. Wood base air tray are acceptable
  10. Flight itinerary and name of the Funeral Home in Haiti (if applicable)
  11. Consulate fees are: $160.00 (by Money Order/Credit Card)

For additional questions, please contact the Consular Office at (202) 332-4090.